Things We Do
Used Book Sale -- Our Major Fund Raiser

Lake High School Wrestling Team
We thank the Lake High School wrestling team for helping to move the books from storage. They are among the many volunteers who logged a total of 600 hours to move, organize, and sell books. Thanks to the dedicated members who give their time each year for this major fund raiser. We always welcome new members to join us in participating in this and many other fun projects.
Reading at Altercare

Volunteers read at Altercare the first Friday of every
month. We welcome all Friends of the Library members
to help with this very worthwhile and satisfying project.
(Due to the pandemic, at this time we have
suspended this activity.)
Alphabet Garden

Volunteers planted and now maintain our garden for the enjoyment
of the public. Young children associate each letter of the alphabet
with a corresponding plant as they enjoy story time in the garden.
Evening in the village

Every December FOL participates in Evening in the Village. Children are
eager to listen to favorite Christmas stories. Books are provided by the FOL so that
each child gets to select one to take home.